EmpowerNJ's 2024 Mission Statement

  1. Immediate implementation of policies, legislation, and projects to equitably achieve the goals of 100% squeaky clean energy in NJ by no later than 2035 and at least a 50% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) in NJ from their 2006 levels by 2030.
  2. Stopping all new or expanded fossil fuel projects; false climate solutions such as “renewable natural gas,” hydrogen gas, carbon capture and sequestration and “net-zero” programs; and any legislation, programs, projects, and policies that will increase GHGs and other pollutants or prevent their reduction.
  3. Working with environmental justice, community, labor and faith groups and state/local decision-makers to implement policies that will move NJ off fossil fuels and false solutions, create green jobs, prioritize environmental and economic justice, improve/protect air and water quality, and protect the health of all NJ residents.

Governor Murphy has described climate change as “the single greatest long-term threat currently facing humanity, and our state and economy are uniquely vulnerable to its devastating effects.” While his administration has taken steps that will eventually lead to reductions in GHGs, EmpowerNJ views these as being wholly insufficient in terms of both volume and timing.


A 2018 report by the IPCC stated we may have as little as 12 years to reduce GHG emissions by 45 percent to avoid catastrophic climate change.  The NJ Global Warming Response Act (GWRA) 80x50 Report published in 2020 calls for “steep and permanent reductions in GHG emissions over the next several years.”  However, as of February 2021, GHG reductions due to specific Murphy Administration existing rules and programs have been minimal, and we now have nine years left to reach the IPCC’s 2030 goal, grow the economy and avert climate catastrophe.  Moreover, New Jersey has yet to produce a detailed plan with specific programs, regulations and quantified annual milestones. The Administration’s developing Protect Against Climate Threats (PACT) rules are not on track to achieve the necessary GHG reductions.   New Jersey must move much more rapidly to make significant GHG reductions in order to mitigate climate change.  The three elements of EmpowerNJ’s mission are focused on this objective.

Scope of EmpowerNJ Programs

The NJ Global Warming Response Act (GWRA) set a goal of reducing GHGs in NJ by 80% by 2050 (over 2006 levels).  It measures GHG emissions from seven sectors and identifies recommended actions to reduce GHGs in each.  The seven sectors are: transportation, residential/commercial, electric generation, industrial, waste and agriculture, short-lived climate pollutants (SLCP) and carbon sequestration.

Achieving our goals requires that New Jersey rapidly reduce GHG emissions in the first six sectors and increase carbon sequestration in the seventh.  Unfortunately, plans to construct new fossil fuel infrastructures in the energy sector and plans that will increase GHG emissions or prevent sequestration are appearing regularly in other sectors.   These are major impediments to reaching our goals.  As a result, EmpowerNJ has been forced to spend the bulk of its resources opposing these projects and programs.

EmpowerNJ has, and will continue to, promote and respond to policies and projects in all sectors in order to move NJ more rapidly towards significant GHG reductions beyond the electricity sector.  Recent examples include transportation (Turnpike widening plan), SLCP (methane and black carbon) and carbon sequestration (logging) as each of these plays an important role in achieving our GHG reduction goals.  We also strongly support other critical objectives associated with reducing GHGs including reducing/eliminating air pollution, a just transition to a green economy, making New Jersey more resilient including strategic retreat to allow for existing targeted coastal ecosystems to shift landward due to climate change, and protecting our water supply.

Please join our growing coalition to demand a timely end to GHGs in New Jersey and to move us rapidly towards a 100% renewable future and green economy.

See a list of our coalition members here.

See a downloadable copy of our mission here.