Join us as we say NO to the expansion of the fracked gas compressor station right next to the Essex County Environmental Center on Eagle Rock Avenue in Roseland, and YES to our and the planet’s health and safety. Children are welcome; it’s their future!
Here is the tentative schedule:
8:30 am to noon: volunteer to help clean up a nature trail behind Roseland’s Noecker Elementary School, organized by the Roseland Borough Council
12:30 to 2 pm: VFW hall 2619, 52 Eisenhower Parkway: pizza and potluck lunch, children’s activities, showing of new Roseland Not Gasland power point, prepare for March For Our Lungs
2:00-2:15: March For Our Lungs (1/4 mile) from VFW hall to compressor station site on Eagle Rock Avenue
2:15-3:30: Rally with speakers and music, including:
- Roseland Mayor James Spango
- Carolyn Elefant, Livingston native, nat’ly-known community rights lawyer
- Sister Danelle McCarthy of Dominican Sisters of Caldwell
- Cassandra Worthington, Roseland resident and Food and Water Watch
- Jeff Tittel of NJ Sierra Club
- Tina Weishaus of 350NJ
- Ted Glick of Roseland Against the Compressor Station
- Paula Rogovin of Stop the Meadowlands Power Plant
- Solidarity Singers of the NJ Industrial Union Council
and more!
Roseland, East Hanover and New Jersey don’t need a bigger gas compressor! Join us to send a message to Governor Murphy to use his power to enact an emergency moratorium on new fossil fuel projects in NJ.
Let’s Stop the Compressor Station Expansion!
For more information go to “Roseland Against Compressor Station” on Facebook, email or call 973-338-5398