We're launching a bold new campaign to win the laws we need to achieve a rapid and just transition off fossil fuels, starting with two big events in September!

Join us on Zoom on Thursday, September 12, 2024 at 7 PM for a critical discussion on the major climate & energy policies currently being considered by our NJ state legislators, and how we are organizing this fall to win a just transition off fossil fuels.

Then, join us in Trenton on Monday, September 30 at 9:30 AM for a rally & lobby day for a squeaky clean energy future!

New fossil fuel infrastructure is planned for New Jersey

BL England Natural Gas Plant

Upper Township

Garden State Expansion Project

Mercer County

Lambertville East Expansion


Phoenix Energy Center (Highlands Power Plant)

Holland Township

Northeast Supply Enhancement (NESE) Project

Somerset, Middlesex Counties; Raritan Bay

Rivervale South to Market

Hudson, Bergen Counties

Keasbey Energy Center


Gateway Expansion Project (Roseland Compressor Station)


PennEast Pipeline

Mercer, Hunterdon Counties

North Bergen Liberty Generating Station (Meadowlands Power Plant)

North Bergen

Southern Reliability Link


Cape Atlantic Reliability Project (South Jersey Gas Pipeline)


Gibbstown Logistics Center Terminal

Gibbstown (Gloucester County)

Tennessee Gas Pipeline Compressor Station

Passaic and Sussex Counties

Over 120 environmental, citizen, faith, and progressive groups in New Jersey are calling on Governor Murphy to enact a moratorium on all new fossil fuel projects in New Jersey until there are rules in place to achieve our 100% clean energy goals.  Read our report here.

New Jersey has been impacted by climate change more than many states

Sea level rise; increased storm runoff; salt water incursion into fresh water supplies; more frequent severe storms; worse air pollution including ground-level ozone

Fossil fuel infrastructure locks in dependence on greenhouse gas production

Spending money on building natural gas pipelines encourages more fracking for natural gas supplies, contributing to climate change and leaving less money for modern, green, clean energy projects.

A moratorium encourages investment in clean energy production

Financial resources are best put to use by increasing investment in renewable energy projects such as wind and solar power plants to meet New Jersey's energy needs while curbing our greenhouse gas production.

Read our report: "FIGHTING CLIMATE CHANGE IN NJ: The Urgent Case for a Moratorium on all Fossil Fuel Projects"

With this report, Empower NJ documents the extent of the disconnect between Governor Murphy's bold words on the urgency of curbing the cataclysmic effects of climate change and his administration's lack of significant action to address this crisis.  The report sets out the need for an immediate moratorium on all new fossil fuel projects as a key step in putting New Jersey on track to meet the Governor’s objectives.


New pipelines and power plants threaten our water supply, health, and open space

Even when buried underground, pipeline rights-of-way disturb the environment.  Increased erosion and habitat destruction affects people, animals, plants, and clean water supplies for the entire region.  These pipelines would carry gas produced by fracking; fracking wastewater risks contamination of water supplies throughout the Delaware River basin watershed.

New power plants would disproportionally affect communities already bearing the health burdens of burning fossil fuels

Power plants tend to be clustered in poorer communities, which suffer from high rates of childhood asthma and other health issues.  Emissions from the power plants, particulates from diesel trucks servicing the plants, reduced open space for healthy recreation -- these problems keep on getting dumped on the same regions.


Governor Murphy has the authority to put a moratorium on these development projects, but has been reluctant to act

Since 2005, the NJDEP has had the authority to regulate greenhouse gases and carbon under the New Jersey Air Pollution Control Act and through Title V permits. The Department’s determination is based on compelling scientific evidence of existing and projected adverse impacts due to climate change on the environment, ecosystems, wildlife, human health, and enjoyment of property in the state.

Tell Governor Murphy to Halt Unnecessary Fossil Fuel Infrastructure!

Send a message to the Governor by signing our petition urging him to protect our health and fight climate change by enacting an immediate moratorium on new fossil fuel infrastructure, including the 12 new gas power plants, compressor stations, and pipelines currently proposed in New Jersey.

Municipalities across New Jersey are being called on to take a stand against these unnecessary projects.

Is your town one of them?  Ask your town to pass a resolution opposing these projects using our Model Resolution.  For assistance in organizing an effort in your town, contact us.